A good massage.

Sometimes what the body needs is a good massage. Ask any physio, chiropractor or osteo-practitioner. The body needs to have time to relax and switch off. In this crazy fast world which now dominates our lives the body simply does not get chance to switch off and do nothing.

The relaxed state that the body needs is the state that the body is in when we are about to fall asleep. Not actually asleep, conscious, but totally relaxed and happy. There are no negative thoughts flying around, no worrying about jobs that need to be done and no anxieties. A complete happy state that is ‘in the moment’. A meditative state. Television is our new meditative state, but it also controls the mind. Images that flash up rapidly, negative story lines, disrespect language etc etc all contributes to our own mental health and well being.

Our bodies live in opposites. We have day time and night time, wet and dry asleep and awake. So our bodies like to live in the opposites. We have something that takes control of our opposites. Something in our body that regulates the internal organs without any conscious recognition or effort by you!  It is known as the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). This is fundamental in our bodies being balanced. The ANS regulates the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous systems (PSNS). The sympathetic nervous system is our fight or flight response, it’s our daytime. It’s what gets us running away from a dangerous situation or keeps us on the move creating energy, heat and movement – known as Yang. Our parasympathetic nervous system is our nighttime. It is our rest and recovery, its our relax state, it’s when were watching TV, meditating or going to sleep. Its our Yin, our feminine.

This is why sometimes a good massage is what you need. Something that is positive for the body and mind and lets us just be in the moment, in a relaxed state, with nothing going through the mind.

Should you like to book or speak with Joanna about any of her treatments then please feel free to ring 07853 490831. Thanks