Teaching Auricular Acupuncture.

Auricular Acupuncture Cockermouth and Whitehaven

I love this subject. I don’t think I can switch off to looking at peoples ears. From looking at big screen movie stars to having a chat with the neighbours. Once you learn what the ear is telling you, reading an ear becomes second nature.

Matt Damon with ear seeds.
Penelope Cruz

Auricular acupuncture has been on the increase in popularity over the last few years and I have the delight to be teaching this amazing subject again at the KORE academy home in Stoke-upon-Trent in March 2023. It was a really fun course last year for Kore students and for anyone else who is acupuncture trained and wanting to learn more about the benefits of performing this technique. Students were relentless in their questions which I answered in far too much detail!!

I teach how to practice this therapy alongside other treatments to get the maximum benefit of the time on the couch. Also I teach 5 protocol that are most commonly used in my clinic. Which are muscular skeletal pain, migraines and headache, digestion issues, stress and anxiety and allergies including hay fever.

My hotel is booked and the car is ready for me. I cant wait.