What’s been going on with Innovative Treatments.

Gosh, where to start… I’ve been learning about a new technique of looking at a body. It’s a brilliant muscle test that asked the body questions. Questions such are ‘Are you happy reaching ?’ or ‘Are you happy walking?’ The answers to those questions is a simple ‘yes or no’. If its not happy then where is it not happy. Almost like a detective finding out where you body isn’t working properly.

There is a number of things going on in the test. I have highlighted to the brain ‘This area isn’t happy’ and the brain gets to work in sorting things out. I also anchor during the test which sends more signals to the brain that this area needs attention. It works on your immune system straight away.

What follows in the treatment can be anything. I have such a big tool box that I can delve into and bring out anything that I feel with help the body recover quicker.

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