Tuina, the latest trend in massage.

Most people have heard of and indeed tried different massages. There are many on the market ranging from the gentle treatment to the deep tissue or sports therapy. They all serve a purpose – even the recently qualified beauty school massages are there for a reason!

Ancient therapy Tuina performed in Wilsden, West Yorkshire.

However, most people have not yet heard about Tuina ( pronounced Twee – na). Tuina is gaining in popularity at the main street clinics and for a good reason.

Tuina massage has it’s roots deep in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is offered in the TCM hospitals along side acupuncture, acupressure and moxibustion. The treatment can be performed for a specific reason e.g. for lower back pain, or it can be for a general wellbeing treatment as it focus on Qi and harnessing Qi.

The word ‘Tui’ means to ‘push’ and the word ‘na’ means ‘grab’ or ‘squeeze’ and put together it creates an invigorating massage. When performed on the spine it can be extremely beneficial to all types of spinal problems. How it works well is because the spine can often become stuck (fixation) and stiff or move out of line (subluxation). All the bones in our spine should move independently of each other, sure they have ligaments and tendons to keep them all in place and they are structured to slot over one an other, however they should move independently. As we get older, our spine become less mobile and vertebrae’s can become jammed or fixed together causing pain and stiffness, the practitioner performing Tuina pushes and squeezes each vertebrae moving up and down and releases any fixation or subluxation of the spine resulting in a freer spine.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine the spine is a microsystem, which means all of the body or the whole body is reflected in the spine.  By treating the spine we can directly influence the organs and internal body.   Any spine restrictions will mean the body isn’t functioning as well as it could be. By performing Tuina or spinal release massage it releases any blockages or tightness along the spine and realigns the vertebra resulting in the body functioning better.

When the therapy is used with acupuncture, neck releases or fire cupping the results can be a more mobile and pain free spine.

The therapy is done over clothes or on top of a towel so wear lose comfortable clothing.

If you would like to book in for a treatment please get in touch with Joanna 07853 490831